
Enqueue JavaScript and CSS Styles in CodeIgniter with a simple, lightweight library.

How to Use


  1. Add enqueue.php to YOUR/APP/PATH/application/libraries/
  2. Add enqueue to the array on Line 55: $autoload['libraries'] = array(); in YOUR/APP/PATH/config/autoload.php
  3. In your theme file(s) add $this->enqueue->loadjs(); and $this->enqueue->loadcss(); where you would like to load enqueued scripts.


Add JS and CSS files to YOUR/APP/PATH/public/js/ and YOUR/APP/PATH/public/css/, respectively. If these folders don't exist you will need to create them.

In your controllers or models add: $this->enqueue->enqueue_js('JS_FILENAME'); to enqueue JavaScript $this->enqueue->enqueue_css('CSS_FILENAME'); to enqueue CSS